Please send in copies of cartoons drawn by medical students during Faculty days to the following email address ; -Please send copies of photographs related to your student days at the Medical Facuty, Colombo, for inclusion in this page. Copies of photos to be sent by email to . Please send it with a relevant comment and the year it was drawn
Cartoon drawn in the 1960s - Prof Chapman (Bacteriology) in theatre gown, Prof Abheyeratna (Public Health), Dean, in dark suit, Prof Ranasinghe (Obs&Gyn.) wearing a bow-tie, Prof Bibile (Pharmacology)in bush coat, bent figure with hat - Prof Sivalingam,(Parasitology) figure with trailking tie Pro.Milroy Paul,(Surgery) and Prof Fonseka (Surgery).
Pro.Milroy Paul, Prof Navaratne and Prof Fonseka.
Medical students portrayal of a Clinical Teacher - 1990s