Please send in copies of cartoons drawn by medical students during Faculty days to the following email address ; -Please send copies of photographs related to your student days at the Medical Facuty, Colombo, for inclusion in this page. Copies of photos to be sent by email to . Please send it with a relevant comment and the year it was drawn
Cartoon drawn in the 1960s - Prof Chapman (Bacteriology) in theatre gown, Prof Abheyeratna (Public Health), Dean, in dark suit, Prof Ranasinghe (Obs&Gyn.) wearing a bow-tie, Prof Bibile (Pharmacology)in bush coat, bent figure with hat - Prof Sivalingam,(Parasitology) figure with trailking tie Pro.Milroy Paul,(Surgery) and Prof Fonseka (Surgery).
Pro.Milroy Paul, Prof Navaratne and Prof Fonseka.
Medical students portrayal of a Clinical Teacher - 1990s
Wow! Such an amazing and helpful post this is. I really really love it. It's so good and so awesome. I am just amazed. I hope that you continue to do your work like this in the future also supportive living While we all wonder how the health care system has reached what some refer to as a crisis stage.